2b unfortunately

November 22, 2006 § 7 Comments

I’ve always been intrigued by blogs. I wondered who had time to read them. I wondered who had time to write them. I wondered who cared. There’s a pile of unread New Yorkers by my bed to say nothing of the other literature peppered through the house near toilets and tables. So if you are reading this, you are most likely not reading a great article by Seymour Hirsch. What can I say, you’re my friend. Thank you.

Two weeks ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer. They say one in eight and it’s hard to not keep track. I’d be in a room with a dozen women and when there was no metastasis in sight, I felt a game of Russian roulette coming on. Once over the shock and awe (well not entirely over the shock and awe) It occurred to me that very basic statistics should have foreseen my outcome. I’m just not sure how regular mammograms overlooked a 3.6cm tumor.

When I’ve not been sobbing, sleeping, sharing, cat scanning, bone scanning, drinking, freaking or meeting with docs I’ve enjoyed brilliant support. Thank you.

Read, respond, shake your head in disbelief. Carcinoma streaming right at you along with every possibly attempt at finding a silver lining.

Love Momo

§ 7 Responses to 2b unfortunately

  • Shouldn’t have taken this f&$#% situation to get you to blog, but things happen for a reason I guess. We love you so much Auntie Momo and are tuned into your stream now.

  • Jonas says:

    Hooray Momo! Excellent pics.

  • Dd says:

    Your awe-some!

  • kcasa says:

    always an inspiration girl – my first blog do I dare admit love yeah!!

  • Michelle Robinson says:

    I came home on a Tuesday night at around 8:45pm as i always do, i put Julie and Abbey to bed and as i was reeling from work i made a cup of tea. It had been a difficult night of work and i was trying to understand the events that had taken place hours before. I work at Gilda’s Club of Greater Toronto. I facilitate a teenage group for those who have been touched by cancer. Their stories of triumph, love, and courage is what keeps me working at Gilda’s. In our support group we have a mantra…it goes like this… “Fuck Cancer”, never did that mantra ring true to me on that tuesday night in Novemeber, when i sat down after a long night of group, to read about my dear friend Momo. My sweet friend you are one of the most courageous and strong willed women that i know and of the many mountains you have climbed you will summit this, this much i know is true.

  • Susan and Rick says:

    Hi honey. We are thinking about you all the time and are sending you support, love and laughter for those moments when a laugh seems healing and fun. Your strength, your depth, your wit and your wisdom will see you through. Thanks so much for posting this, we can stay in touch with your blog while we’re away. We love you,
    S and R

  • Heather Anderson says:

    Wonderfully written and inspirational. What an awful thing to go through, but you will overcome this.

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